Over the weekend my favorite photographer, Paul Schraub, and I met at my client’s home in Scotts Valley to photograph the recently completed installation of all new furnishings for the home they hope to stay in for the rest of their days together. They are delighted to have a peaceful dwelling in this gorgeous geographical area and it was a privilege to help them to achieve their dream.
As for me, I am happy to have a couple of new photos to add to my portfolio, (it’s so easy to never get to this step, to never stop and take the time out to photograph finished work), but the biggest reward of all was walking in to their home to find them so content in their new space. The finished spaces really reflect their character and I felt that their personalities were evident in each room, even though they hadn’t made any changes. This is what I love about design — getting to know my clients such that their home is a reflection of their character and not only a beautiful place to live. In this way, it’s easy to stay creative because every room for every client is unique.
Here’s a snapshot of their living room so you can see what you learn about this lovely couple by viewing their interior. It’s pretty minimal, there’s not a lot going on to give away the secrets, and my lips are sealed too. I hope that your home reflects you, lifts you up and gives you the comfort required in this hustle bustle world.